
Embark on Culinary Adventures

At Castle Hill Bungalow, culinary excellence meets sustainable practices as the finest flavours are created to take you on a unique culinary adventure. Our experienced chef is a master of Sri Lankan, Italian, French, and New American cuisines, creating gastronomical masterpieces that are sure to satisfy your taste buds. With a commitment to sourcing sustainable ingredients, our multi-cuisine dining experience offers not only delicious food, but also a responsible approach to eating.

We take a sustainable approach to sourcing ingredients for our dishes, ensuring that our food is both delicious and environmentally responsible. But our commitment to sustainability doesn't mean that we compromise on taste. From the rich spices of our local dishes to the delicate flavours of our international specialties, every dish we serve is a work of art.

Sri Lankan cuisine is known for its unique flavours and rich history, and we take pride in showcasing the best that the island has to offer - from the aromatic spices to the unique sweet desserts. Our menus are designed to tell the story of Sri Lankan food, with dishes that are both authentic and creative.

A Brief Look Back at Sri Lanka’s Food History

Sri Lankan cuisine is a diverse and flavuorful culinary tradition that has been influenced by various cultures throughout history.

The island of Sri Lanka has been a crossroads of trade and cultural exchange for centuries, and this is reflected in the country's cuisine. From rice as a staple, to local fruits and vegetables, and the unique spices and nuts found in the island, Sri Lankan cuisine has a truly unique story to tell. The introduction of tea became part of everyday life, as it also found its way into dishes that included curries and sweets. Today, Sri Lankan cuisine is known for its use of spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, and cumin, as well as its focus on rice, coconut, and seafood. Popular dishes include rice and curry, string hoppers (steamed rice flour noodles), and kottu roti (chopped roti bread with vegetables and meat).
